Oh God! What a day! Where does one even start? Obviously all the events of today have lead to the de-throning of the first female prime minister Ms Julia Gillard, to the former prime minister Kevin Rudd, but it was a long and treacherous ride to get to this point.
The day started with Independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott announcing that they would not contest the next election in the seats of New England and Lyne respectively. Now on an ordinary day, in an ordinary parliament this would not make more than be few hours worth of news, but most people know the last three (some say five) years have been anything other than easy or straightforward!
One of the other key Independents Bob Katter, then came out and said that he would support his BFF Kevin in a Rudd lead ALP government, because in his words 'no one was driving the bus' anymore. At that point, I had Simon Crean flashbacks, of him eventually being the sacrificial lamb that was put up as a catalyst offering, in the hopes of sparking a Labor leadership vote, when in actual fact he lost his cabinet position and there was no leadership vote.
Going into Question Time there was a rumour a flying around that a petition was making the rounds, to Labor MPs to force a caucus meeting to determine the leadership. It spread like wildfire, but no one could say, with absolute certain, that this was true. When the Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott, rose to ask the first question of the day, people waited with bated breath as to how soon Abbott would call to suspend standing orders and seek to initiate a vote of non confidence. Very surprisingly, it was towards the end of questions today that the theme of leadership was brought up. But alas the vote is not gain a majority, let alone an absolute majority.
Adding to speculation also, was Foreign Minister Bob Carr making a personal executive decree that states that Foreign Ministers will not talk about domestic matters. How horrendous for a person hand picked by the then prime minister, to suddenly stop worrying about domestic affairs....
Julia Gillard then came out and proactively sought a caucus meeting for later in the day to decide/silence/fix/change the ALP leadership one final time before the election - presumably still on September 14. Kevin Rudd came out shortly after, and agreed to put his name forward - a step up from last time. The condition both sides agreed to was, whomever loses the leadership battle, would bow out of Federal Politics and not contest the next election, and at this point it s still anyone's game!
The battle lines were drawn, ALP members held 'secret' meeting with each other and Bill Shorten held a doorstop meeting with journalists ... The result, Shorten flip flopped to join forces with ex prime minister Kevin Rudd. It was a sombre affair, but the vibe I got, was that it needed to happen. After months of denying there was a real polling problem within the ALP, Labor MP's had decided that if they wanted to be in a job come the election (according to the polls) they needed a change.
One thing that stood out tonight was, at no point today did any Labor politician look happy about what was transpiring. Julia Gillard I can understand, but the other members, it was like they were doing something just because it was part of the bigger picture. Like when someone needs to get a vaccination to travel to some parts of the world, the needles aren't fun but the places you will go are. Only in our scenario the place is Canberra in a post-election Parliament.
It emerged after nearly an hour of voting and deliberating, that in fact Kevin Rudd had made is long awaited return to the top job, ousting the one, who ousted him! 45- 57, by no means a landslide but a win is a win right? The tables have finally turned, and after years (we can say that right?!) of leaks and politicking, apparently Federal Labor is back on track. With the man who brought us Kevin07! Probably he will need to re-label to something more current Kevin13? It doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but I am sure it will look just as good on a T-shirt and a poster and a stubby holder and a cap and as a Facebook picture and a ... Well you get the picture. Anthony 'Albo' Albanese was elected Deputy Prime Minister and a range of quasi cabinet appointments i am sure will follow. I say quasi appointments because in the not to distant future there will be an election (sooner if Abbott had anything to do with it) and who knows what will happen now!
Julia Gillard has copped a lot of flack since she assumed the prime ministership in 2010 some justified and some seriously quite petty. One this is certain, she will go into the history books for a range of reasons.
Looking back over the day, there is one thing I am not too sure about, and that is the reasoning behind Bob Katter coming out to the media,and professing his unwavering support for his BFF Kevin Rudd. We all know that Rudd and Katter are friends, but I don't recall any Members of Parliament (other than from the Coalition) ever coming out forcefully supporting an alternative Labor member (not the PM) for the leadership. The language he used, of " no one is driving the ALP bus" and that "Julia Gillard can not control the party any longer'' was almost like he was hoping a spill would going to happen for the sake of his friend. The only difference between Katter and Crean, is that Katter would not (or could not) be dealt any punishment by the party as he is an Independent. A friend helping a friend, and not even making the ultimate political sacrifice in the process. Yes Katter did say was going against his party in doing so, but when you create a party, who is to say you can't go against yourself?
All I can say with certain is two things. 1) the word BREAKING: is now no longer relevant when discussing Australian Politics - especially after a day like today, and 2) That tomorrow will be just as crazy, given the Lower House in parliament has one more day of sitting.